Ethereum Lido stETH Liquid Staking
Liquid ETH staking via Lido
Yield ID | ethereum-eth-lido-staking |
Network | Ethereum |
Deposit Token | Ether (ETH) |
Reward Token | Staked Ether (stETH) |
Unbonding Period | 2-5 days |
Minimum Requirement | N/A |
Our Lido staked Ether integration facilitates ETH deposits into the Lido protocol. When you stake, you start earning immediately and rewards are automatically credited to your deposit every day.
Pending Actions
Claim Unstaked
After the unbonding period has passed, users will need to use the CLAIM_UNSTAKED
pending actions from their unstaked
balance to make it available again. You can track both this unstaking progress as well as the balance available to be withdrawn via our /stake/balances endpoint.
Updated about 1 year ago