Yield IDe.g. solana-kusdc-kamino-vault or solana-usdc-kamino-lending)
Reward tokenk** (e.g. kSOL)
Minimum RequirementN/A
Unbonding TimeN/A

Kamino is primarily a lending protocol that unifies Lending, Liquidity, and Leverage into a single, secure DeFi product suite which has become one of the largest DeFi protocols on Solana. On Kamino, users can:

  • Borrow and lend their assets
  • Provide leveraged liquidity to concentrated liquidity DEXs
  • Build their own automated liquidity strategies
  • Use concentrated liquidity positions as collateral

In the scope of our Kamino integration, users are able to access easily access and deposit funds into core Kamino products to earn yield on their assets:

  • Lending via Kamino’s money market
  • Single-sided liquidity provisioning to Kamino's liquidity vaults – an automated liquidity solution that allows users to earn yield on their crypto assets by providing liquidity to concentrated liquidity market makers

Upon the deposit, users are issued a receipt token and rewards accrue automatically to their position. There are no wait times when withdrawing assets.