Polkadot Nomination Pool Staking
Yield ID | polkadot-dot-pool-staking |
Network | Polkadot |
Deposit Token | DOT |
Supports Multiple Nomination Pools | Yes |
Unbonding Period | 28 days |
Minimum Requirement | 1 DOT |
Our Polkadot nomination pool staking integration facilitates delegations to any nomination pool in the active set. The minimum stake requirement is 1 DOT.
Once a user bonds the minimum stake requirement, they will begin to earn rewards at the start of the following era (an era is the equivalent of a single-day period). Please note that staking rewards are updated each era, but do not accrue automatically — users must manually claim (and restake, if they would like to compound) rewards.
Pending Actions
Claim Rewards
Staking rewards accrue to a rewards balance that you can track via our /stake/balances endpoint. To claim these rewards to the user's available balance, the CLAIM_REWARDS
pending action is available.
Restake Rewards
Staking rewards accrue to a rewards balance that you can track via our /stake/balances endpoint. To claim and restake these rewards, the RESTAKE_REWARDS
pending action is available.
After the 28-day unbonding period has passed, users will need to withdraw their unstaked balance via the WITHDRAW
pending action to make it available again. You can track both this unbonding progress as well as the balance available to be withdrawn via our /stake/balances endpoint.
Updated about 1 year ago