Fetch.ai Native Staking

Yield IDfetch-ai-fet-native-staking
Deposit TokenFET
Supports Multiple ValidatorsYes
Unbonding Period21 days
Minimum RequirementN/A


Our native Fetch.ai staking integration facilitates delegations to any validator in the active set. When you stake, you start earning immediately. Rewards need to be claimed manually and are updated every block.

Pending Actions

Claim Rewards

Staking rewards accrue to a rewards balance that you can track via our /stake/balances endpoint. To claim these rewards to the users available balance, the CLAIM_REWARDS pending action is available.

Restake Rewards

Staking rewards accrue to a rewards balance that you can track via our /stake/balances endpoint. To claim and restake these rewards, the RESTAKE_REWARDS pending action is available.

Default Validator

Altruistic Automationfetchvaloper1nx7wwxv260lfrpcj257zqrn8lwjl6jjn9zfclp