Cosmos Native Staking
Native ATOM staking
Yield ID | cosmos-atom-native-staking |
Network | Cosmos |
Deposit Token | ATOM |
Supports Multiple Validators | Yes |
Unbonding Period | 21 days |
Minimum Requirement | N/A |
Our native ATOM staking integration facilitates delegations to any partnered validator in the active set. When you stake, you start earning immediately. Rewards need to be claimed manually and are updated every block.

Pending Actions
Claim Rewards
Staking rewards accrue to a rewards
balance that you can track via our /stake/balances endpoint. To claim these rewards to the users available balance, the CLAIM_REWARDS
pending action is available.
Restake Rewards
Staking rewards accrue to a rewards
balance that you can track via our /stake/balances endpoint. To claim and restake these rewards, the RESTAKE_REWARDS
pending action is available.
- When a user delegates additional tokens to a validator they already have a staked position with, any earned rewards are automatically claimed and added to the user's available balance. Similarly, when a user partially or fully unstakes their position, the unclaimed rewards are also automatically claimed and credited to their balance.
- In some cases, there can be a precision loss issue in the Cosmos SDK during unbonding, specifically when converting from validator shares back to tokens. The loss due to this issue can be 1 uatom. More details can be found here.
Preferred Validators And Their Addresses
Validator | Address |
Figment | cosmosvaloper1hjct6q7npsspsg3dgvzk3sdf89spmlpfdn6m9d |
Chorus One | cosmosvaloper15urq2dtp9qce4fyc85m6upwm9xul3049e02707 |
Staking Facilities | cosmosvaloper1x88j7vp2xnw3zec8ur3g4waxycyz7m0mahdv3p |
Staked | cosmosvaloper1we6knm8qartmmh2r0qfpsz6pq0s7emv3e0meuw |
Coinbase Cloud | cosmosvaloper1crqm3598z6qmyn2kkcl9dz7uqs4qdqnr6s8jdn |
Chainflow | cosmosvaloper1j0vaeh27t4rll7zhmarwcuq8xtrmvqhudrgcky |
Everstake | cosmosvaloper1tflk30mq5vgqjdly92kkhhq3raev2hnz6eete3 |
Stakely | cosmosvaloper16yupepagywvlk7uhpfchtwa0stu5f8cyhh54f2 |
Updated 4 months ago