Binance Native Staking on BSC
Native BNB staking
Yield ID | bsc-bnb-native-staking |
Network | Binance Smart Chain (BSC) |
Deposit Token | Binance Token (BNB) |
Supports Multiple Validators | Yes |
Minimum Requirement | 1 BNB |
Unbonding Period | 7 Days |
Our BNB native staking integration allows staking with any supported validator on Binance Smart Chain. When you stake, you start earning right away and rewards are automatically accrued daily and sent to be part of your original stake.
Pending Actions
Claim Unstaked
After the 7-day unbonding period has passed, users will need to use the CLAIM_UNSTAKED
pending actions from their unstaked
balance to make it available again. You can track both this unstaking progress as well as the balance available to be withdrawn via our /stake/balances endpoint.
To redelegate BNB from one validator to another — moving the staked amount into another validator without waiting for the cooldown, users will need to first have at least 1 BNB staked balance to use the RESTAKE
pending actions. The changed validator balance can be tracked via our /stake/balances endpoint.
- Users are allowed to redelegate their stakes to a different validator at any time, with the sole condition being that they have at least 1 BNB staked balance following the redelegation. This action allows users to streamline the process by avoiding unstaking, waiting for the unstaking period to be over, and then staking again with a different validator. However, a redelegation fee of 0.02% is applied to discourage frequent switching between validators.
- Precision loss: During the conversion process between BNB and govBNB when staking, users might encounter the usage of integer division, which may result in a precision loss. If precisely 1 BNB is staked, for example, the user's staked balance would be 0.999...99 BNB due to the residual loss that arises during the conversion. This might cause users to not be able to restake their positions with another validator as that action requires them to have at least 1 BNB staked balance following the redelegation.
Preferred Validators And Their Addresses
Validator | Address |
Figment | 0x477cB5d87144b2a6d93f72e32f5E01a459260D68 |
InfStones | 0xd34403249B2d82AAdDB14e778422c966265e5Fb5 |
Updated 3 months ago