Yield ID**-**-**-**-4626-vault (e.g. arbitrum-weth-ryweth-0xC47bB288178Ea40bF520a91826a3DEE9e0DbFA4C-4626-vault
NetworkEthereum, Optimism, Arbitrum
Minimum RequirementN/A

Our Sommelier integration enables the user to deposit into any curated vault that is currently available on Sommelier. Sommelier offers a variety of vaults which are run by professional strategy providers. Upon the deposit, users are issued a receipt token and rewards will accrue automatically via the pricePerShare parameter. This token is redeemable for the underlying token at any point in time.

Additionally, certain vaults may earn extra yield in the form of SOMM tokens. Users would need to claim those manually.

Pending Actions

Claim rewards

Users will be able to withdraw their incentive reward tokens using the CLAIM_REWARDS pending action on the rewards balance.