The Graph Native Staking (Arbitrum)

Yield IDarbitrum-grt-native-staking
Deposit TokenThe Graph (GRT)
Supports Multiple ValidatorsYes
Unbonding Period28 days
Minimum Requirement1 GRT


Our GRT native staking integration facilitates delegations on Arbitrum to any partnered validator in the active set. When you stake, you start earning immediately and rewards are automatically credited to your position every day.

Pending Actions


After the 28 unbonding day period has passed, users will need to withdraw their unstaked balance using the WITHDRAW pending action to make it available again. You can track both this unbonding progress as well as the balance available to be withdrawn via our /stake/balances endpoint.

Preferred Validators And Their Addresses

Figment prime0xc55c63563efb36f7cc65ac3060c52987c6694b37
Figment prime-20xf9123292b4d958c53aaad8c5df0138ee0e62944b