Kava Native Staking

Native KAVA staking

Yield IDkava-kava-native-staking
Deposit TokenKava (KAVA)
Supports Multiple ValidatorsYes
Unbonding Period21 days
Minimum RequirementN/A


Our native KAVA staking integration facilitates delegations to any partnered validator in the active set.

Pending Actions

Claim Rewards

Staking rewards accrue to a rewards balance that you can track via our /stake/balances endpoint. To claim these rewards to the users available balance, the CLAIM_REWARDS pending action is available.

Restake Rewards

Staking rewards accrue to a rewards balance that you can track via our /stake/balances endpoint. To claim and restake these rewards, the RESTAKE_REWARDS pending action is available.

Preferred Validators And Their Addresses

Chorus Onekavavaloper15urq2dtp9qce4fyc85m6upwm9xul3049dcs7da