Idle Finance

Yield ID**-**-**-**-vault (e.g. ethereum-usdc-cpfasausdc-vault)
Minimum RequirementN/A

Idle Finance offers a variety of yields that algorithmically optimize user’s digital asset allocation across DeFi protocols, whether they want to maximize returns or keep a lower rate of return while reducing their risk exposure. Our Idle Finance integration allows users to easily deposit into any yield supported by Idle Finance.

Their product offers two classes of tranches, differentiated by the level of risk and the share of underlying yield assigned to each class:

  • The Senior Tranche receives most of the underlying yield when liquidity is low on the Junior side or receives a guaranteed minimum portion of the underlying yield when Junior liquidity is high.
  • Junior Tranche receives outperforming APYs, no matter what the amount of deposited liquidity on the Senior is due to the increased risk depositors take on.

Pending Actions


List of Integration IDs


VaultYield Name
ethereum-steth-aainstadappsteth-vaultInstadapp stETH Junior Vault
ethereum-steth-bbinstadappsteth-vaultInstadapp stETH Senior Vault
ethereum-steth-aalidosteth-vaultLido stETH Junior Vault
ethereum-steth-bblidosteth-vaultLido stETH Senior Vault
ethereum-matic-aalidostmatic-vaultLido stMATIC Junior Vault
ethereum-matic-bblidostmatic-vaultLido stMATIC Senior Vault
ethereum-usdc-aammsteakusdc-vaultSteakhouse USDC Junior Vault
ethereum-usdc-bbmmsteakusdc-vaultSteakhouse USDC Senior Vault
ethereum-usdc-aagearusdc-vaultGearbox USDC Junior Vault
ethereum-usdc-bbgearusdc-vaultGearbox USDC Senior Vault
ethereum-weth-aagearweth-vaultGearbox WETH Junior Vault
ethereum-weth-bbgearweth-vaultGearbox WETH Senior Vault
ethereum-usde-ethenausdejr-vaultEthena USDe Junior Vault
ethereum-usde-ethenausdesr-vaultEthena USDe Senior Vault