TON Ton Whales Pooled Staking
Yield ID | ton-ton-tonwhales-staking |
Network | The Open Network |
Deposit Token | Toncoin (TON) |
Warmup Period | <36 hours |
Withdrawal Period | <36 hours |
Minimum Requirement | 50 TON |
Our Ton Whales staking integration enables users to stake their TON assets with any available pool supported by Ton Whales. It allows users to earn TON staking rewards without being required to run their own validators and stake more than 300,000 TON or even 10,000 TON when staking with Ton nomination pools. Users may start staking and earning rewards with as little as 50 TON.
When staking or withdrawing TON, a fee of 0.2 is deducted from the staked amount for both deposits and withdrawals. After a successful stake, the user's staked balance remains in a pending state until the pool accepts the stake and sends it to the elector. This process can take up to 36 hours — the length of the staking cycle. Similarly, when a user unstakes, the action remains pending until the staked TON is returned from the elector to the Ton Whales pool, at which point the unstaking process is completed and the user is able to withdraw the unstaked TON.
Staked positions earn TON staking rewards every 36 hours, with rewards automatically accruing to the user's balance.
Pending Actions
After the unstaking period has passed — within 36 hours of unstaking, the user will need to use the WITHDRAW
pending actions from their unstaked
balance to make it available again. You can track both unstaking progress as well as the balance available to be withdrawn via our /stake/balances endpoint.
- A Ton Whales pool may not accept new deposits. In those cases, the user will not be able to stake with it.
- Partial withdrawals are not supported — users can only withdraw the full balance.
- When withdrawing the unstaked balance, the user should have at least 0.4 TON available balance in order to cover the transaction fees.
Updated about 2 months ago