JUMP TOSTAKEKIT REST APIGetting StartedAuthenticationBase URLSTAKEKIT SDKsGetting StartedStakeKitHealth/v2/healthgetActionsGet actiongetGet estimated gas for actiongetCreate "enter" actionpostCreate "exit" actionpostCreate "pending" actionpostEstimate gas for the "enter" actionpostEstimate gas for the "exit" actionpost/v1/actionsgetEstimate gas for the "pending" actionposttransactionsGet transactiongetConstruct transactionpatchSubmit transactionpostSubmit transaction hashpostGet transaction statusgetGet current gas parametersgetGet transaction statusgetGet transaction verification transaction/messageposttokensGet all tokensgetGet token pricespostGet token balancespostScan for token balancespostYieldsGet all yieldsgetGet multiple yield balancespostScan for yield balancespostGet enabled yieldsgetGet enabled networksgetGet validatorsgetGet a yield given an integration IDgetGet validators given an integration IDgetGet yield balances given an integration IDpostGet fee configuration given an integration IDgetPowered by Get token balancespost https://api.stakek.it/v1/tokens/balancesReturns the balances for specific addresses and token addresses